About Us

Education & Care Program

Education & Care Program

Kids Cottage program and dynamic and progressive curriculum approach to education is based on the approved learning framework and delivered in accordance with that framework, Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia that recognise children learn from birth.

Kids Cottage Framework

Kids Cottage uses the approved learning framework to guide: the development of programs that promote children’s learning and development (Standard 1.1); the pedagogical practices of educators (Standard 1.2); a planned and reflective approach to assessment and planning for each child. (Standard 1.3).

Kids Cottage is also guided by suitable and appropriate approaches to education and care.

Early Learning Framework

Early Years Learning Framework is part of the Council of Australian Government’s (COAG) reform for early childhood education and care and is a key component of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. It underpins universal access to early childhood education and has been incorporated in the National Quality Standard in order to ensure delivery of nationally consistent and quality early childhood education across sectors and jurisdictions.

The Framework conveys the highest expectations for all children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transitions to school. It communicates these expectations through the following five Learning Outcomes:

Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Children have a strong sense of well being
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators.

The five Learning Outcomes are designed to capture the integrated and complex learning and development of all children across the birth to five age range.

Reggio Emilia

Suitable aspects of the Reggio Emilia philosophy has been adapted by Kids Cottage where the child is viewed as an individual member of a team who can:

offer solutions
work alone or with others, and
can experience their environment without being measured

Role of the Teaching Professional

The teaching professionals role is guided by the service philosophy, vision and mission and aims. The team of educators at Kids Cottage are engaged in continual renewal and readjustment informed by reflection, experimentation, and practice.

Our team of educators and staff are warm, social and very fun with children and families and you may have probably already noticed they are daringly different.

Transitions and Preparation for School

Starting school is a very important step in the life of a child and although a child may be chronologically old enough to attend school, this does not mean that he or she is developmentally ready.

We believe and aim to practice in collaboration with families and the community the most important element in a smooth transition to life outside of this service and school and that is that of a good self-esteem.


One of the fundamental reasons for documenting plans and experiences in our setting is to have a record for children, professionals and educators to use to reflect and make future plans, and also to share the experience with families. It is therefore one of the key teaching techniques used in our service to support and enhance children’s development and learning experience.


Independence, respect, competence and self-esteem are our primary values and goals

Infants – 2 Years

The learning process begins at birth. Much care and attention is given to creating a warm, safe, stimulating and nurturing environment.  Routines such as feeding, resting, nappy changing and bathing are significant elements in a day.  These provide positive opportunities for learning and time for quality adult-child interaction.

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2-3 Years

Children of this age are active explorers. Their need for exploration and hands on learning is pronounced at this age.

Opportunities are provided for small group play, one to one interaction with an adult as well as time for each child to play and explore independently and collaboratively.

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3-5 Years

Pre-schoolers are naturally curious about their environment.  During this period children are rapidly developing an understanding of concepts, and are highly motivated to explore and set challenges for themselves and their peers.

A key focus throughout the day is on guiding children to represent their ideas through various symbolic means such as drawing, painting, clay work, verbal description, physical movement, storytelling, writing and socio-dramatic play.

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Our Vision and Mission

Our Credentials


2025 enrolments are open.

Given the ever-increasing demand for places at our service we recommend that parents place their child on our waiting list as soon as possible. This entails the completion of an online application form at no cost.